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Har du drømt om at dyrke landbrug under helt andre himmelstrøg, så tag til Chingola i Zambia, landet der har potentiale til at brødføde hele det sydlige Afrika.

Dairy project newly established nearby Chingola in the Copperbelt in Zambia
Vacant position as a volunteer at a dairy and cattle project
A challenging and very self-reliant position. It is with limited compensation but covering cost of living and transport expenses will be supplied.
We are part of a bigger company with a cattle ranch as well as a logistics branch and a hotel branch.
We are looking for 1-2 volunteers who are capable of helping us develop our dairy production for a period of 3-6 months which can be extended. One of our challenges is composing feed based on the crops grown in the area which will be securing a qualified milk production. It is also an option to develop and grow new field crops for the dairy production.
Traditionally the most of the cattle around this area is for meat production.
If you decide to come and work as a volunteer you will live in an area where it is possible within 1-2 days drive (in a 4X4 like a Land Cruiser) to reach the famous Victoria Falls, Kafue National Park, and South Luanga National Park (one of the areas with highest density of game including the Big Five in Africa). The Zambian economy is facing a growth period and it is possible to shop any commodity in the supermarkets, shops, or at the market in Chingola. Chingola is one of the bigger mining cities in the Copperbelt and you will be living close to one of the most important copper mining areas of the world.
The copper mining industry has been the most important industry since the end of World War II but now there is a growing acknowledgment of the importance of the farming industry from the society and government. Therefore, there is a huge interest in farm production in the very fertile Zambia.
An internship in Zambia is a very valuable alternative to an internship in USA or Australia. It might be a good idea to travel with a friend. You will definitely experience a lot where it will be a benefit to be travelling together.
We hope you will find the job both challenging and exciting and you will get a lot of freedom for your ideas if you have an entrepreneurial mindset.
For further information, please contact
Richard Kazala-Laski
E-mail: richard@mininghaulage.co.zm
Phone: +260212314058/+260212311483
Cell phone: +260966861122
Mining Haulage Co. Ltd
Plot L35717M
Kitwe Road
P.O.Box 10362
For Danish information, please contact
Tage Andersen
E-mail: taanodensedk@hotmail.com
Cell phone +4524435394